Tap into my skills and experience to benefit your project

My typical manner how I execute projects with my clients

  1. Book a 15-minutes call with me.
  2. Discuss the project, its outcomes. Agree to a deadline, set expectations.
  3. We will set a roadmap, set daily stand-ups/weekly meetings. My motivation would be to take as much Feedback as I can.

Tools involved in the communication (dev tools not included)

  1. Manage tasks and sprints: Trello / Jira
  2. Documentation and planning: Google Drive / Office 365
  3. Meetings: Google Meet / Zoom

What sort of projects I can help you with

  1. GraphQL/REST API development using Golang/Python
  2. Full-stack project with VueJS/ReactJS (Frontend) + Golang/Python (Backend)
  3. OpenAI API integration with existing products
  4. CI/CD integrations in AWS/Azure or platform-agnostic solutions like ArgoCD/CircleCI
  5. Full-time involvement on complex projects

How do I charge?

Quality work is not free and I do quality work. I charge hourly and my rate is affordable. $40/hour, max commitment would be 40 hours/week. All projects will be part of Deel contracts.

Click here to book my schedule to discuss a potential collaboration

Alternatively, you can email me at [email protected]